Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Medical Mary Jay.

I thought there was a lot of Star Bucks in Denver, now we find there are 390 Medical Mary Jay outlets in the city. Guess this puts a new slant on the the song Rocky Mountain High. Does anyone think this will make Denver a bigger tourist destination? Does this mean the state is going to to start growing the weed and where can I get my own prescription?

In Aspen they have made a small amount of weed legal and up in Boulder I doubt anyone takes a second glance at any one smoking a tote.

Funny how what I was doing illegally in Pueblo back in 1976 was punishable by a life sentence and now it is legal. Back then I had about 20 plants growing in my back bed room mostly because I thought it was a really nice looking plant.

The way you start a Marijuana plant is quite simple:
1. Lay the seed between a moist paper towel and keep the paper towel damp.
2. After about a month the roots will appear and you can gently place the seedling into a dixy cup full of potting soil.
3. Once the seedling starts growing for about another month trans plant the plant into a slightly larger plant and put a grow light on the plant.
4. Water once a week or when needed and the plant will continue growing
5. In the spring you can transfer it to an outdoor spot probably should be concealed from neighbors eyes as they would probably come in the middle other night and steal your plant.
6. You can remove the leaves from the plant after a few months and dry the leaves in your oven on low.
I never got around to the last part as I was just growing the plants because I like the vegetation....honest.
In 1979 we moved back to Aurora and someone had actually planted a Marijuana plant in our front yard without our knowledge. My wife's brother Dave came to visit us when he was in college and he apparently liked the plant so much he dug it up and took it back to Greeley to supposedly transplant it in his rock garden. Thanks a bunch Dave old buddy.
These days I have mixed feeling about the drug, plant or whatever you want to call it. On one side if we were allowed by law to grow it, we could get high pretty cheaply. It does not cause Cancer or any other decease and if you smoke what you grow your self there is no crimes against anyone. On the other hand the bad side affects is the criminal element, minors could get high causing a drag on school performance and sexual promiscuity (apparently beer does not have this affect).
Anyway apparently the Denver City Council is going to try to regulate the advertising and distribution. Too bad they do not realize the amount of money that could be made from taxing the substance. January 16, 1919 the 18Th Amendment to the Constitution made booze illegal. But in 1933 this boondoggle was appealed by the 21st Amendment to the Constitution. Believe it or not there is no constitutional Amendment making Marijuana illegal. The only reason it is not legal locally is because the Feds would with hold federal funds to states that made it legal.
Now my question is where can I get some of those seeds?

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