Thursday, January 28, 2010

Bashing Business

Why is the Obama at war with the nation's business on one hand and turns around and bails out certain business on the other hand?

The biggest obstacle to any recovery in the near future is two things two really simple things.

1. Have the Feds get out of the way and stop putting road blocks in the way of business creating things and in turn making money.

2. Follow through with what you promise you are going to do.

The Obama regime has become almost an icon of bad luck, failure and broken promises. How dare I say Mr Charisma could ever be a bad luck icon. The following is some of the things that go into this view.

1. He was nominated at the Democratic Convention in Denver, Colorado at Mile High Stadium. The Denver Broncos who play their home games at Mile High Stadium did not make the playoffs.

2. All the promises he made of openness were for not.

3. What happened to Bi-partisan politics? Why were the Republicans left out of the Health Care Bill.

4. What about the Cash for clunkers program? Apparently who ever came up with that brainstorm failed to understand that people actually buy used cars and some people actually give old cars to charity. When the cars were turned in for this program the first thing that happened was for the car dealer to drain all the oil out of the engine and then run the engine until it was frozen. All the parts that were available on wrecked cars in junk yards were not available because the second thing that happened was that all these cars were simply crushed.

I was once complaining to a progressive friend once that what was needed in Washington was some advisers to the President that knew any thing about economics. He told me, "But Warren Buffet and Bill Gates advise the president." My response at the time was,"Please keep in mind that even Stalin and Mao Tse-Tung had economic advisers." what I should have said was that Warren Buffet is a fine economist but he is a supporter of the Keynesian type of economics that says, "To make an economy grow the federal government has to spend money, the more money the feds spend the faster the economy will grow." This line of thinking is sort of like someone saying, "I can spend my way out of debt".
The down side of Obama being a bad luck icon is that not unlike Sports Illustrated where all the teams picked for the cover of their magazine, loose the big game so goes Obama. Every time he shows up to promote a political candidate they will most assuredly loose so goes any sports team he endorses. New Orleans Saints thusly will loose to the Indianapolis Colts in the 2010 Super Bowl.

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